Saturday, January 16, 2010

My First Macaroons

I've finished over the week, the parts needed for assembling mini-sweets themed stationery items for a charity bazaar in early March (I think). The variety includes a bunch of cookies, frosted, jam-med; two kinds of tarts; blueberry and strawberry with cream, and a couple of macaroons which was supposed to be a mistake but it worked anyway.

 They became my first macaroons. *hah*

They were supposed to be pink frosting for another batch of five cookies and it ended up that the light red Grace I saved dried to a partially-plastic consistency. So I added more wet Grace, mushed it up, added some more pink and made macaroons. They still look very rough-y around the edges, probably the fact being my poking tool isn't thin enough and the clay was hardening by the second! I'm still not good with sizes yet and most of the macaroons are eyeballed -- so most of them range around 1cm in width.

I will attempt another round of macaroons again when I pop out a new batch of Grace. :)

These tarts are not to doll-house sizes. They look slightly exaggerated due to the fact they are going to be stationery products -- like what I mentioned above. I am assuming many people would buy something that looks pretty and is useful, rather than it just looks pretty; unless they are a miniature collector.

Time to head out since it's Saturday, and go about the craft shops to get some produce. :)~


Anonymous said...

just to let you know...those are not macarOOns. those are macarOns--which are two extremely different things. macaroons are coconut cookies. macarons are almond paste sandwich cookies.

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